To our amazing parents and their kiddos, The summer months are a great chunk of…

We are Open! Read about our safety measures here
To our valued patients,
As we continue to progress through the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Pleasant St Dental have
remained dedicated to providing the highest quality dental care to our patients while ensuring
the safety of everyone. As restrictions are lifted in Massachusetts, we will continue to follow the
recommendations laid out for us by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the
ADA (American Dental Association), the MDS (Massachusetts Dental Society) and state
We are now permitted to provide all emergent, preventative, elective and cosmetic dental
procedures in our practice. We have always been meticulous about our cleaning and
sterilization procedures, and as you come in to see us you’ll notice that we are continuing to go
above and beyond recommendations to keep everyone safe. Our protocols are based on the
guidance of our regulatory bodies and the best available evidence
Some of these protocols are listed below:
● Patients will be waiting in their cars until their provider is ready to see them to allow
us to maintain social distancing outside of our operatories.
● All patients and staff will undergo health screening.
● We will continue to require face masks of staff at all times and for patients while
outside of the operatories regardless of vaccination status in accordance with the
MA state requirements for dental clinics.
● All common areas are cleaned regularly throughout the day (e.g., touch surfaces,
doorknobs, bathrooms, etc)
● Each operatory is cleaned after each patient leaves and again before the next
patient arrives
● In addition to our normal cleaning and sterilization procedures between patients, we
have added the use of HOCl (hypochlorous acid) in both mist and spray form. This
is non-toxic to humans and is used in medical settings, cruise ships, and even
grocery stores to kill bacteria and viruses effectively and safely.
● Our staff will be wearing extensive PPE: masks, face shields, gloves, and gowns.
We have added medical-grade air purifiers to the operatories that change over the
air in the room 4-6 times per hour.
This has been a challenging year for so many people. We are so grateful to our loyal patients for
your patience and support throughout the pandemic. We are so happy to be able to continue to
provide you with safe, high quality dental care. We look forward to seeing you in the office soon!
Dr Duong, Dr Katz, and the entire Pleasant St Dental team